

Welcome to the website of Trinity International Theological Seminary. We're so excited that you're interested in pursuing the Lord with us. Truly our passion is to know Him and to reveal Him to others through the teaching of the Word. We believe this is the best way for us to bring glory to Him and to Impact Eternity.  It is the vision of Trinity International Theological Seminary to impact eternity and the church presently by training biblically equipped leaders in both national and international settings. It is our mission to meet potential students where they are in their calling and ministry motivations and to design a quality and affordable program of study that will address their individual goals and needs in serving our Lord.

The ultimate call of any leader is to "equip the saints for the work of the ministry for the building up of the body of Christ (Ephesians 4:12)."  Training and equipping is not optional for any spiritual leader, therefore we must do all within our ability to make training both accessible and affordable to any servant of God that is willing to make the commitment.  Please feel free to browse the website and learn more about Trinity International Theological Seminary.  Our trustees, faculty, and staff welcome you and want to be your servant through your biblical journey. To the Lord Jesus be the glory and praise!

"Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth." 2 Timothy 2:15.



There are so many reasons why a person might undertake the study of theology. Perhaps it is the desire to have a more in-depth undersanding of their faith. Perhaps it is to guard against error and to clarify their own beliefs. Perhaps it might even be curiosity about some of the deepest questions we all face. But may I suggest that there is an even more important reason to study theology?

The key purpose in studying theology is that it can be the path to a deeper relationship with God, a way of knowing Him more intimately. During a period of great stress and strain in his life, Moses cried out to God, "Let me know Your ways that I may know You" (Exodus 33:13). His cry should be ours. Theology can perhaps be best defined as studying God and His ways, and in that process coming to know Him better. Can you think of a better reason to spend the time in digging deeper into the questions that theology addresses? In His prayer for His disciples recorded in John 17, Jesus indicated that knowing God is the most important pursuit in all of life: "This is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent" (John 17:3). Only by knowing God can we live life as it was meant to be lived, as He designed it to be lived. The only path to this eternal kind of life is through the study of God, amd the starting place for such study is the Bible, which is where He revealed Himself  most clearly.

In this Seminary programs, we will come to know God better by exploring key topics in the study of theology. We will tackle such important questions as: Who is God and what is His plan for this world? What does it mean that Christ died for my sins? How does the Holy Spirit help me to better live the Christian life? Why is the church important in my growth as a Christian? Why did God choose to reveal Himself through the Bible? These are just a few questions we will address in our study of theology. So, let's seek answers together so we might more clearly understand God's ways, and by doing so, know Him better.

Who Should Attend Seminary?

Seminary is the training ground for what comes next. You may be currently serving in a successful ministry or you may be looking to move into full-time ministry, but seminary isn't only for pastors. Seminary is also for non-profit leaders seeking to share truth in their ministry;  for Christian teachers and principals looking for ways to inspire the next generation; for lay counselors offering biblical guidance; for worship leaders, youth pastors, senior pastors, church executives, and church elders. If you are interested in developing a deeper understanding of Scripture to lead a more effective ministry, seminary is for you.

Why Seminary?

How do you prepare to reach an ever-changing culture? Seminary gives you the foundation to meet new challenges and lead a growing ministry for years to come. Seminary is not about answering every question you may encounter. Seminary is about developing a holistic biblical worldview that equips you to discern answers from biblical truth and apply them to a variety of social and cultural contexts.


  • are self-paced
  • not structured in semesters, quarters or terms
  • are completed off-campus
  • use online technology such as email and easy file transfers
  • are designed to allow students to begin at any time of the year

The spiritual side of Trinity International Theological Seminary:

Learn to rightly divide the Word of Truth; recognize, follow and flow with the Holy Spirit; discover your destiny; be trained and equipped to fulfill God's call.

The practical side of Trinity International Theological Seminary:

Become a skilled laborer who is effective in the end-time harvest; practice what you've been taught so you are useful to God; grow in godly character and discipline, practical application in your local church.Trinity International Theological Seminary will ground you in the Word of God and equip you with the practical skills and spiritual disciplines, needed to be successful in life and ministry. Wherever your purpose takes you, Trinity International Theological Seminary will prepare you to live victoriously and minister effectively.

What is a Seminary?

The word "seminary" developed from the Middle English term for a seed plot, a nursery in which to cultivate plants. Though we use the word today to denote a theological school, offering academic training in disciplines which prepare persons for ministry, the origins provide a helpful picture. A seminary is a place to cultivate and nurture people. A seminary provides the environment which facilitates growth and development so that the graduate will be mature in Christ and ready for the work of ministry which lies ahead.

Not only does a seminary invest in the lives of its students in order to equip a new generation of leaders and servants for the cause of Christ around the globe, but also affords the place in which to nurture ideas. A seminary is an ideal environment for research and enquiry into questions related to the theological and ministry disciplines, as well as reflection on the ways in which varied other disciplines can be integrated around Christian faith.

So what is a seminary? A seminary is a school, whose special focus is on teaching and research in the theological disciplines, such as Bible, Church History, Theology, Ethics, and Apologetics, as well as the disciplines of personal spiritual formation and practical ministry, such as counseling, preaching/communication, mission, Christian education, discipleship, leadership, worship, pastoral care, and campus ministry. The goal of seminary preparation is to bring students closer to God and to equip them to serve God in active ministry.

A seminary provides tools for the task of ministry.

Seminary equips you with the tools you'll need in coming years to be able to serve God and minister for him. It's painful to try to drive a nail into a board with the palm of your hand. You don't have the right tool-you need a hammer, then it becomes easy and doesn't hurt. Seminary is like that hammer. Seminary provides you with the tools you need to do the job God is calling you to do. Seminary education equips you so that you will not be caught unprepared. A seminary education exposes the student to a broad sweep of disciplines and resources that will prove useful in ministering to others in contemporary culture. It lays a foundation of knowledge-about God's Word, God, his working, our faith, and our responses-that the person serving God can draw on for years to come. Seminary also acquaints the student with practical issues of ministry with people, teaching and refining skills to impact the lives of others.

A seminary is far-reaching in its impact.

Like the pebble dropped into the pond, which causes waves to spread outward from the center, seminary is truly a Kingdom ministry. The seminary is an arm of the church that advances the reign of God (his kingdom) in this world, calling its own people to submit to his lordship and preparing them to lead others into relationship with the Creator. A seminary plays a significant role in the spread of the good news about Jesus Christ through a niche ministry of preparing leaders for the future. A seminary has a part in the greatest cause which will change the world in the final analysis. It is never easy to measure the impact of a people-oriented ministry such as this. How can you quantify the way in which God will use an individual over the next 50 years? Or measure the impact and influence of building redemptive relationships?

One seminary-trained person can be transformed spiritually within as a result of theological education. That in itself is worth the investment. That one person will then minister to hundreds, likely thousands, of other individuals. Multiply this by many persons in a seminary at the same time, many more over the years to come, and you can begin to get a sense that in ministry impact seminary education is one of the best ways for the church to invest resources and build for the future.



President, Trinity International Theological Seminary

Today, we are facing many issues which are of contemporary concern: atheism, secularism, sexual ambiguity, and terrorism, just to name a few.
We recognize that if we conform to these societal pressures, we will find less conflict with the general public. However, Romans 12:1, 2 indicates that we are not to conform our thoughts and behavior to the world's standards, but to have them supernaturally transformed. For the darker the world system becomes, the brighter the light cast from our lives—which have been created anew by the grace of God through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit.
That's why the mission of Trinity International Theological Seminary does not change, no matter what the world believes we should do. Whenever I am asked, "How are you doing?" or, "What is on the agenda?" I respond by reiterating our mission statement. Providing biblical education to Christian ministers and leaders around the world will be our goal both now and in the future.
Our purpose does not change because of the economy or cultural situation. It's important in difficult times that we stay focused on God's calling for us—to provide theological education to Christian ministers and leaders around the world.
In clearly knowing our purpose, we can focus on our core values. It is our conviction that Scripture is God's infallible, inerrant Word, and the Bible is our guide for faith and practice. We believe Jesus is the only way of salvation, and we join in the Great Commission to reach the world with the good news that Jesus saves.
Just like anyone else, there are times when we must evaluate our priorities by number, importance, and time to accomplish each one. And sometimes, our plans must be adjusted—even those that involve people and financial resources. However, I am proud to say that even if plans must be altered, our purpose and core values will never change.
In an increasing volatile world, we seek to find stability. Thankfully, our hope is built on Christ, our solid rock. During these uncertain days, we have the opportunity to reaffirm our identities in Christ and our responsibilities to Him.
When Jesus gave us the Great Commission almost 2000 years ago, He did so without regard to the economic, social, or political climate. And His Kingdom and His Church continue to advance against seemingly insurmountable obstacles.
As the Lord's stewards, our criterion for success is faithfulness. While we do not always have control of our circumstances, God has always provided for and enabled His people to do His work. So we will continue to equip those called to the gospel ministry, and we will continue to depend upon God and His people to supply all our needs according to His riches in glory.





Let our Prayer Ministry agree with you in prayers.

"Bear one another's burden and so fulfill the law of Christ (Galatians 6:2)

"As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another" (Proverb 27:17)

Email your prayer requests to: info@titseminary.org or send your prayer requests to:

Trinity International Theological Seminary, Prayer Requests, P. O. Box 1591, Owings Mills, Maryland 21117, U.S.A

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