President's Message


I'm delighted that you are considering Trinity International Theological Seminary to further your theological education. 

Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ in His Great Commission said to His disciples, "All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth. Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world." (Matthew 28:19- 20). In order to preach and teach, testify and proclaim Jesus Christ, the Christian must be taught and trained in the Holy Scriptures. Theological education is about communicating God's Word in order to make disciples who shall be able to teach others also. Trinity International Theological Seminary has been fulfilling this command of our Lord.

The Bible says in Joshua 1:8 that by studying the Word of God and obeying it, you will prosper and succeed in all you do! At Trinity International Theological Seminary, our aim is to teach God's Word in a practical way, so that you are encouraged, strengthened, and equipped, to help you prosper and experience good success in your life, vocation and ministry.

Trinity has been on the cutting edge of Distance Education.  We are recognized and applauded throughout the world for non-residency programs that offer the very highest levels of academic excellence. These programs can equip you to meet the intellectual, human, spiritual and pastoral challenges of your ministry, as well as prepare you to make practical applications on a day-to-day basis.Our faculty is comprised of some of America's very finest theologians, brilliant professors and faithful biblical scholars. They are individually committed to Christ with a warm heart, to students with a ready ear, and to academic achievement with a steady resolve. Though they come from various religious backgrounds, the members of this multi-denominational faculty have a central love for Christ around whom everything they teach revolves.

Trinity is blessed with students studying from around the world. We are also extremely proud of our alumni. It is our conviction that these precious people are world-changers, and we sincerely hope and pray that you will let Trinity become your personal vehicle to academic confidence and spiritual maturity.

Training is vital! While no Seminary can make you a man or woman of God, you can certainly be trained as such. The man or woman who chooses a less than arduous road in the pursuit of ministry will ultimately find that others will attain loftier goals and have a greater sphere of influence because they spent the time and money necessary to make adequate preparation. Moreover, the modern minister is challenged by an antagonistic culture that prides itself in an ever increasing emphasis on educational achievement. For the aspiring minister to hold himself to a lesser standard places him in a significantly less than ideal position in his efforts to communicate the gospel to a secular society. You need a sound academic foundation.

I invite you to Trinity International Theological Seminary to study God's Word. We would be honored to help equip you for a Christian life and service to the glory of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

May our blessed Lord encourage you and strengthen you as you serve Him and consider enrollment in theological studies. If we may answer any questions or help you in any way, please contact us.

Serving the Kingdom,

Dr. Ambrose E. Edebe, MA, MBA, D.Min., Ph.D, DD.

President and Professor of Systematic Theology,

Trinity International Theological Seminary




According to a Nielsen study, the average adult spends [invests?] 73.57 hours each week listening to or watching a media device.

TV 35:26, Radio 13:01, Smartphone 11:36, PC 6:43, TV Connected Devices 4:09, Tablet 3:42. TOTAL TIME = 73:57 hours each week!

We can help you turn some of that time into a Kingdom investment!       

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